Outdoor Signage and Logo

With press and articles in mind, we are starting to make, assemble and put up our outdoor signage and logo. It won’t be long until we open officially in May, although we have in reality been open for fit-out volunteers for a while. We are now starting to make contact with other clubs or societies with a mutual interest in our facilities and generally get the press campaign moving  along, so having a finished signage will make a great backdrop for any photo opportunities.

If you haven’t caught our previous article about it then you can read more here. […]

A Giant Logo for the Wall

Makers are invited to be involved in the production of our new giant logo signage where the new logo has been broken up into bite sized tiles with digital templates available to download, print and make.

The tiles will be collated together and displayed proudly on our wall. It should make an interesting focal and discussion point for visitors and new members.
